Various departmental activities in the form of public awareness programs, guest lectures and CME were conducted in department of medicine in the last quarter of year (Oct- Dec 2024)
Following is a mention of few of them.
A public awareness program was organized in medicine outpatient department on 14/11/24 on “World Diabetes Day” under the leadership of H.O.D Medicine, Dr Anupam Prakash. Informative talk was delivered by faculty and resident doctors on symptoms, complications, and treatment of Diabetes. Major emphasis was given on lifestyle modification like daily exercise, weight control which helps prevent development of diabetes. Patients and their families were benefitted from the interactive sessions conducted during this program. Importance of medication adherence, healthy eating, blood sugar monitoring were highlighted.
Scientific presentation of department of General Medicine, Dermatology and Community medicine was held on 19/11/24 in Mini Auditorium. Dr Mukul Prasoon (PG Student) delivered a talk on “Does sleep pattern affect blood pressure variables in normotensive person.” Dr Renuka Titiyal, Assistant professor of medicine was the moderator of this talk. It was emphasized how poor sleep is linked to blood pressure variability. Resident doctors from different specialities were benefitted from the informative talk and discussion.
Department of Medicine organized guest lecture on 23/11/24 by Professor Dr Ravi Kant, H.O.D Medicine, AIIMS (Rishikesh) on Diabetic gastroparesis. Valuable insights were provided on symptoms, causes and treatment options. The Lecture was well attended by PG students and faculty.
Public awareness program was held on World AIDS day on 03/12/24 in medicine OPD. Doctors educated the public about HIV transmission, its prevention, encouraged to get voluntary testing and counselling. The outpatients and their attendees were informed of the treatment available and hence the need of early detection. Doubts and false beliefs on HIV were cleared through an interactive session. There was an active participation of the patients and their attendants.
CME on Air pollution was conducted by Department of Medicine on 10/12/24. Dr Rohit Kumar, HOD Pulmonary Medicine, SJH&VMMC delivered a talk on “Air Pollution- a burning issue”. Dr Geeta Kampani, Director Professor and HOD Medicine RML Hospital, Dr Rohit Saxena Professor Ophthalmology from AIIMS, Dr Vibhu Mendiratta, Director Professor and HOD, Dermatology, LHMC were amongst the few esteemed faculties who participated in panel discussion and enlightened the audience on health effects of air pollution and mitigation and preventive strategies. Dr Subhalaxmi Margekar, Professor of Medicine, LHMC then concluded the session after emphasizing the need of reducing exposure and creating awareness on air pollution.
Another CME EDECKS-3.0 was held under the leadership of Dr Anupam Prakash, H.O.D Medicine on 29/12/24. Dr Sameer Gulati, Professor Medicine delivered a talk on AI application in Medicine while Dr Subhalaxmi Margekar talked on “Current perspectives in MASLD”. Dr.Pooja Anand from Paras hospital , Gurgaon enlightened the audience on “Movement disorders. Dr Parjeet Kaur, Endocrinologist from Medanta hospital, Gurgaon educated the participants on thyrotoxicosis. Various accomplished doctors of different reputed hospitals participated in the CME. Audience Quiz was held after each session which made the CME more interesting.